Mobile jobs

This is not a post about mobile phones, but about working from home. From wherever, really.

I was a kid in the 80’s. I was a teenager in the 90’s.

When we wanted to see friends in the neighbourhood, we dropped by. Unannounced. When we wanted to contact a school mate, we called. And their mothers answered the phone.

This sounds like ancient time because it is. One day, they just were there. Portable, wireless telephones. And they’ve changed the way we talk.

When they arrived, I didn’t even have a beeper. I didn’t even want a beeper. What was wrong with meeting up at the bus stop around 12h?

Sure, businessmen might need a mobile phone. And taxi drivers. And those people who wanted to show off how much money they had. But me? Hell no.

I kept my first one on the nightstand in my student dorm. It never left the room.

A few years later, almost everyone had one. I didn’t see that coming.

This is not a post about mobile phones, but about working from home. From wherever, really.

Most people don’t have a remote job. Most of them don’t even want one. What is wrong with commuting to an office each and every day? Sure, those reclusive nerds might want one. But me? Hell no.

“Remote” sounds like you’re living in a jungle hut trying to get a message through. “Distributed” sounds overly complicated.

So, why not call them what they really are? Mobile jobs.

And they’ve changed the way we work.